Tuppime & CTML

The first cuneiform viewer in the web and the Cuneiform Texts MarkUp Language
Developed by Basello Gian Pietro

Under development

Your comments on this project are welcome. Let me know if Tuppime is useful to you!
More about Elam in ElamIT.net <www.elamit.net>

HyperCounter dal 23/IX/2000
HyperBanner Counter


What is Tuppime?

Tuppime is a database containing all the Achaemenid Elamite and Old Persian signs. Each sign is linked with its values (readings) according to some scholars. A parser reads the text you enter and finds the right signs according to the selected transliteration style (or Old Persian Kent's transcription).


Database status

The current database includes all the Elamite Achaemenid signs and their values according to Hallock, Hinz/Koch and Weissbach; it includes also all the Old Persian signs and numbers. I would like to add the entire cuneiform sillabary!
Tuppime was developed with Microsoft Access 97.

Parser status

I have to do a lot of work (in particular the graphical rendering of corrupted signs and a faster parser engine)! At this moment, Tuppime understands a lot of writing conventions: it converts the text into an internal rapresentation and, parsed the signs, makes the comparison with the database. Then it views the signs or write the text in a well-formatted manner. So you can download the page with its images and use it for your presentations. You could also copy a text from web sources and paste it into Tuppime.
The code is written in JavaScript and it is executed through Active Server Pages technology. Tuppime is class-based so the code can work in a lot of contexts (for example, I linked it to Lankelli database for Elamite month-names).

Cuneiform Texts MarkUp Language

What is CTML?

The Cuneiform Texts Markup Language is an XML standard language to exchange cuneiform texts through the web. A parser written in JavaScript can read a CTML file and view CTML data in a more pleasant manner. You can write your text in CTML and your colleagues will be able to read and view it, with notes and bibliographical references. CTML is linked to Tuppime to view and write in a well-formatted manner the cuneiform texts.


At this moment the CTML parser displays only some of the possible data in a CTML file. I am working to let you write your CTML files and display them. I would like to write the code for a user-friendly CTML editor (but you can use already an XML editor) and for a CTML browser where CTML data could be part of a HTML file.

(6/II/2001) The Document Type Definitions will be available within a month!

©2000 Copyright by Basello Gian Pietro <elam@elamit.net>
san Giovanni in Persiceto, 20/XII/2000(modified 6/II/2001)
Credits: Zucchini Graziano (object oriented programming and web solutions), Cosmi Anna Maria (wallpaper), prof. Cecchini Serena Maria and Affanni Giorgio (support section in DTD.)
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