Calendrical Issues in Elamite Sources
of the Achaemenian Time

Dissertation by Basello Gian Pietro - English Summary


Historical Introduction

(mainly based on Diakonoff from The Cambridge History of Iran and Vallat from Encyclopædia Iranica)

Introduction to the Elamite Language

(mainly based on Reiner's grammar)

Names of the Months

Sources, subdivision in groups, relative and absolute order, dating formulae in administrative practice.

A Database for the Names of Elamite Months

(computer based - developed in Microsoft Access 97)


The month, the year, intercalary schemes, indications and occurrences of intercalary months, synchronisms among the calendars.

The Problem of Beptika

(work in progress)


©2001 Copyright by Basello Gian Pietro <>
for <>
san Giovanni in Persiceto, 05/IV/2001